Sunday, 8 February 2015

Midterm + Recursion

First midterm done, I think we all deserve a pat on the back. To be honest, I had not expected such a detailed class construction for the first question, but then again when I finished it I realized it wasn't too bad. The only problem I had was finding enough time to complete the paper. I DID complete it, don't worry, but it was a bit of a rush at the end. The designing threw me off a bit and I don't really think that the time we had was enough to do all the question well, especially if we got stuck on one question or one part. Basically, what I'm trying to say here is that there wasn't too much time to think, you had to write it all down pretty fast.

Midterm aside, the topic we're at now is one of my favourite, because lets face it, the power of Recursion is pretty darn awesome. Its 10 lines of code fitted in just half or less of the space. Pretty mind blowing. And calling upon a function form with itself!? What! That's like inception right there. I wrote a bit about this in my last post too and I'm pretty sure I just repeated some of the stuff I said there. Nevertheless, now that we've understood the power of recursions we're also supposed to use it in our assignments and labs. That was something I forgot to do this lab because I'm not really used to coding recursively all the time. But I guess it's just a habit we all will have to get ourselves into because recursion is just that bad ass.


  1. Same, I was literally writing until the invigilator said, "pencils down". I wish we had a little more time, then I could've checked over my test and fixed my careless mistakes :P
    Recursion, IS mind-blowing. I never knew why my friends were so excited about starting it but now I realize.

    1. haha! hopefully the next midterm will be better time wise :) pretty sure everyone wants that
